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Regrowth - Marketing

Regrowth – Ep 1 marketing plan

ReGrowth is our new podcast series to help everyone plan now that there is light at the end of the tunnel (thank you Boris). It's time to start planning our come back 💪 BUT... as well as being an exciting time its also a stressful and worry filled time as know one knows what will happen in the next few month and how many students will be back. This series aims to help you feel less alone, to motivate you and help you feel less alone :) today we are talking about all things Marketing and how to create a value driven marketing plan! I hope you find it useful :)

So grab a pen and paper and lets get brainstorming!

Life Pre Covid-19

Its time to start thinking about when we are back to in person class and how we are going to fills those classes as its been such a long gap since Christmas and lockdown that we are bound through no fault of our own to have had students leave. So think about what you offer at your school and write down:

What worked well?

What could you improve?

What would you like to try going forwards?

What makes you unique ?

Once you have brainstormed the above its time to sum up your USP (unique selling point) Try and write in a sentence... two max! What makes your school unique?

Marketing Goals

Your marketing goals put simply are what you want people to know about you/your school.

To find these out ask your self the following questions:

(write down everything that pops into your head)

Whats your big picture? Whats the big dream?

What do you think are the most important parts of your business

What do you think your customers say about you to other people?

What do you want your customers to say about you ?

Once you've answered the above try and write yourself a marketing goal for the year and then a smaller one for the next month.

You might want to focus on growing your following or having more of a relationship through comments with your customers. Once you have the big goal whats the first step you can aim for. If you usually get one or no comments on your posts, you goal for the month might be "to create content that get between 1-5 comments per post" now you have that goal you can reflect a few days after you have posted a piece of content on 'did it work?' "what could you do to make it better"

Creating your plan – value 1st

Once you know your USP it makes the following easy!

Now its plan time make yourself a table with 4 pillars. Decide what your pillars are doing to be, basically these are 4 things you want your customer to know or think about your school. Use your usp for inpiration and to highlight what the important stuff is.

Under each pillar

- write as many post ideas as you can

- Don't worry what they are how you'd make them etc just idea dump under each pillar


Now you've got as many ideas as you can think of write one or two in each day of the month. Make sure your take these ideas from different pillars each time. so Monday might be an idea from pillar 1 and 4, then tuesday would be from pillars 2 and 3. You have multiply ideas under each pillar some like post a review you could do multiple times others like a meet the teacher might be a one off for the month.

Now you have your plan its time to CREATE.

We use Canva to create ours. I love it as it has pre made blank layouts for each social media platform so your posts will be the correct sizes! I then schedule my posts for the month on Hootsuite which is super conveniently as i can post whilst teaching and not have to remember to post each day.

You want to be offering value everyday Value over sell sell sell, don't forget its a SOCIAL platform you want to make them interested, engaged or entertained my your content. The more people that engage your content the more the facebook algorithm likes you.

Tip -Share everyone – show the journey not the finish product – Tell a story with your social media.

Sales marketing plan – Choose what class you want to advertise 1st.

Once you have your super engaging fun and interesting month of content all planned out and scheduled its time to go for the sale. Focus on a class at a time so the posts you create are targeted and purposeful. These post are ones that you add calls to action to (like... Join now, book a free trial, etc etc) they may be videos from classes, your timetable etc. Then sprinkle these amongst your content calendar.

Do not worry about people seeing to much of your marketing – facebook/instagrams organic reach less than 1% so unless your a unicorn you don't need to worry about this. Remember facebook/instagram are businesses they want to make money too through ads so of course you have to work harder to be seen without spending money. BUT it can be done. It comes down to this without spending money it’s a content and quantity game.

Tip - Create a dedicated sales page on your website to send traffic to collect contact info data easily.

Tadaaa that's your month planned! let me know what you think and how you get on :)


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