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Positives of Zoom

I know some ... maybe all of you saw the title of this blog and though what positives i want to be back in the classroom! Don't get me wrong i hear you but there are somethings about zoom that i love and have really helped my students learn and grow.

They Can Watch Themselves

This has been huge for my dancers as we don't dance in a hall with a mirror, so by telling them to watch themselves on zoom it has led to my dancers having greater awareness over there bodys and there alignment. I also think its a great way to introduce self correction. when holding a position such as a 1st arabesque i have been speaking through the correct placement one body part at a time. I tell them i'm going to guild them through the position highlighting common fault and corrections as i go. It is there job to look at there body on the screen and see if it looks and feels right to them.


Some of my dancers really struggle to understand how to spot when they are first learning to turn. Over zoom i am able to be there "Spot" as i am straight in front of them. I can call there attention back to me as the turn everytime. This way spotting has clicked for many students who previously struggled. We have also been playing a game to encourage that quick whipping action we want when spotting.

Blink and your'll miss it - This is my spotting game we have been playing over zoom. I flash a card with an image on it such as a cartoon character, an actor/actress, a film, literally anything. However the trick is it will only appear for a second as the get to the 'back' of there turn (the moment they need to spot) They then have to guess what it was.

Watch them grow

I love documenting my dancers journey, in class we will take photos every week and then share comparisons or progress photos on our social media. I think its so important to share and shout about our dancers as they grow. Just posting beautifully perfectly posed photos of dancers (who you have trained for years to get to that point) can seem a bit intimidating to new joiners. I would also argue it shows of what an awesome teacher you are as you have all this evidence of growth! On zoom it makes this hole process 1000 times easier. Record your classes, clip and share. Then at the end of the month create a comparison between there turns week 1 to now.

And finally everybody's favourite ..... The Mute Button!

I don't think i need to explain this one!

What are your favourite things about online teaching?


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