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Fill Your Classes

It's a fact of dance teacher life that students will leave and sometimes you will have a class thats half empty. It can feel really rubbish when that happens and you can end up digging your self a hole of self doubt. We have all been there and here are how we pull ourselves out of that hole and get those classes full again!

Look At Your Marketing.

Usually there is a direct correlation between the class your talking about the most/ post the most of social media and the age group that is the fullest at you school. Sometimes we are so close to our business we assume that everyone else knows what we offer, however people are busy. Even those in your school may not know that you offer other styles and ages. So its important to look at your marketing and see what you could be doing more of.

Can you increase your advertising for that class? If it was a Friday you were struggling to fill what about a promotion called "FREE FRIDAY" where all trial classes are free on Fridays.

Could you do a leaflet drop at schools or nurseries? Now this one is only super effective if you find a way to stand out from the crowd. everyone give schools a5 leaflet with a few photos and some text on it ... pretty naff right. You need to break through the crowd, to stand out. One way we did this for our toddler classes was too get our invites to class printed in star shapes. we then glued them to lolly sticks with a bit of ribbon to make stars. Every nursery we took them too loved them and the parents/children even more so. we were tagged on social media. we filled classes over night because we broke through the noise and did something a bit special to show we cared.

Remove Barriers.

The next step is to think about your customers journey, what are the things that might stop them from signing up to class. Is the time convenient? have you allowed enough time to get from school to the hall or too much time so they get home and then loose motivation to go out again. Is there parking at the hall or near by? Is it close to a school so they don't feel like there going miles out of there way? Is your website easy to find/ read? Is your timetable really hard to understand if you know nothing about dance? Is it stupidly simple to sign up for classes? What of these can you change ? Sometimes the smallest thing can make a huge difference.

Ask Your Current Parents For Help.

Don't be afraid to ask your current dance mums for help. They are already fans of yours and love attending classes so they are the perfect people to recommend you to others. They will also be super flattered that you asked them as everyone likes to be wanted. They are also a great well of knowledge for whats great about your class and what needs improving.

Be Patient & Consistent.

Above all trust us that everyone goes through this. Everyone has opened a class and it had one student show up or has come back from summer break to a mass of students leaving. Be patient you know your classes are great and they will be full again. Be consistent in what your do and your marketing every day and your classes will be full.

I hope you have found the above valuable i talk more about the above in this weeks podcast.


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