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Family Dance Party - Zoom Lesson Plan

Over half term we hosted our family dance party! We have such a blast running these in person and was excited and slightly nervous about running our first one over zoom but I shouldn't of worried it was awesome!

The aim was to provide a fun release for our dance family after a stressful half term of home schooling! We kept it simple, cute and silly so everyone was welcome. Here is out lesson plan to help you plan your own.

Warm up

I love a cheesy song! So for our warm up i always try and use a cheesy song that the parents will recognise. I think it also helps relax the parents as i'm sure there a little nervous too. This time we used Disco inferno so we did lots of night fever poses, rolls, marches and flicks.

1st I walk them through each movement we will be using in the workshop and give them fun names then we go for it!

Song - Disco Inferno

Dance Time

Now this class isn't about dance technique or learning new skills its 100% about having fun and enjoying moving as a family. So we keep it ridiculously simple. Another great tip is when making up the dances for the class we try to do as much with our partner (mum /dad) as possible. we find this helps the adults feel less self-conscious and loose themselves dancing with there child. We do kicks and skips hold each others hand, simple lifts, turns. In our ballet dance we get the adult kneel down and the dancer holds there hand to run round them which was super cute!

Song - Blame it on the boogie and we belong together from toy story 3

Quiz night

We finished the day with a fun family quiz! We kept it short and sweet about 35mins long with 3 rounds. These were disney, guess the song and a scavenger hunt! I have attached a word doc with all the questions and answers below.

We started by getting everyone to choose a team name. We then did a round a time asking the questions then doing answers and scores before moving on to the next round. It was a really fun end to the half term.

Tip- for keeping score we set up a excel spreadsheet so we could enter the scores for each round and it would automatically add up the total scores. This works well because then theres not a huge pause at the end while you add up.

Hope this helps you plan an awesome family dance party!


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