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Why Your Business Needs A Vision

A vision is like a road map to where you want to be. Could you get there without one.... Maybe, But your'll take wrong turns, say yes to things you should of said no to and it'll take you years longer to get there!

Figuring out what your vision is?

Ask your self one question.... Why? Why did you start your business? Was it too spend more time at home? to have more independence with what you teach and when? Too make more money? To be you own boss?

When you pictured your vision that first day you decided to start your business what did it look like in your head? Now everything you just thought of WRITE IT DOWN. Do a brain dump, a list or a mind map, i don't mind how you do it just get it out of your head and on to paper.

Get Clear On Your Vision.

What do you want within your life and your business. As dance teachers our life and business are often interwoven, so one will probably drive the other.

My first vision was i wanted to move out, but just move out isn't a very clear vision. So i got specific i knew where i wanted to live, i knew i wanted a two bed and it needed to be bigger than the average two bed because it needed to hold my business. I wanted good broadband, a bath and off road parking. Suddenly after writing all this down i had a clear picture of this house. I could look up how much this house would cost on average and work out how much i needed to save to make this 10% deposit.

Then it became a simple question: What can i do to make this money? What classes can i start that people will love? How can i grow? Everyones vision is different and thats GREAT!

Time To Get Creative.

This is your vision board so theres no right or wrong! This is to inspire you every time you look at it! If you love cutting and sticking great, if you don't great too! there are thousands of ways to create your vision; a mind map, list, photo collage, Pinterest etc, etc.

Don't forget we have our fabulous diary to help you kick 2018's butt!

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